go so we made the hour trip out there! I didn't get much, just an old pair of clip-on earrings and a key. I was thinking about turning the earrings into something else. Maybe a necklace or a pin? Haven't quite decided yet. Any ideas? I thought that the earrings looked cool and had a wintry, snowflake kind of vibe. Good thing winter is coming up! And I also found a giant wooden moose! Now, I'm a tall girl, 5ft 9in, and I was eye level with this thing. I thought it was cool. Not too often you find a moose in Texas.
But other than antiquing, I also went to church yesterday. Ok, for those of you who don't know me, I'm not a big church goer. In fact, I hardly ever go to church! I know, I know, I'm a terrible Christian. Nothing like poking fun at myself! Ha. But seriously, when I lived in Ohio, I was a member of a church group there. When I moved back here, I dropped off the church bandwagon. However, while I was in Ohio, I would go to home meetings and other various dinners and get-togethers with people from that church. They're awesome people! Down here, I never got in contact with the branch of the church here. Until yesterday. Funny story really. I had this strange "I need to find a church" feeling a week ago and began looking around. I found a Lutheran church that seemed interesting and when I called my friend to see if she would go with me (I don't like going to places for the first time alone) she said that she had gotten in contact with a member of our church life here. This is what I find funny: I found the Lutheran church Sunday, was going to call friend Monday but forgot, called her Tuesday only to find out she had spoken to the church lady only a couple hours prior. Talk about timing! In the end, we went to church, met some cool people, and I think we're going again next week. I'll admit, it's a bit weird going back. Let the adventure begin!
So what other randomness has been going on with me? Oh! My sister wants to set me up on a blind date! I've never been on one so I'm nervous, but excited. From what she's told me about this guy, he seems kinda cool. Of course, I won't know for sure until I meet him. And I'm only doing this because he knows my sister! Can't wait! I'll let you know how it goes, maybe. To be honest, I think my sister is doing this so that if her friend and I do get together, she can say that she was the one to set us up! Love you too sis!
Here's a link to Shadows, another story of mine. There's only three chapters up, but that's because it's still a work in progress. I started it, then took a break because I hit the ever-lovable writer's block. Just so you know, I'm up to chapter twenty-five in it, but there's still a lot of editing to be done. Perhaps a little input from some readers about the first few chapters could help me get an idea??
I'm also tempted to put up another work of mine, Lost Soul. I've been rereading it to help me get over the writer's block I have with it. Yes, I hit writer's block often, but I just jump to a different work. Lately, I've been busting out Caged like no tomorrow! Caged is the sequel to Dethroned. So far, the characters in Dethroned have grown on me and I'm loving a couple of them. I can't mention one because he hasn't made an appearance yet in the chapters I've posted.
Here's a cute video I saw recently. It's animated really well! Enjoy: Glen Keane - The Duet
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