Tuesday, February 3, 2015

I Have Returned!

Long time no see!  First off, I'm going to apologize for me being gone for so long.  The holidays came through, then family and chruch, and of course my own version of craziness popped up.  Oy, lots of randomness!  But fear not!  I have kept up on my writing.  I shall post more to Ghost shortly.  How about, maybe another five chapters?  Or ten?  I've also decided to start a Ghost 2, my current project and love child.  Well, I've also been working on Dethroned 2, Caged, which is almost done.  Just having problems with the last chapter and a half.  I've always hated closing a story.  Just seems like the end to a good thing.  Probably why I'm toying around with second and third books.

Well, lately, while thinking about what to do with Ghost, I hit another of those infamous writer block things and didn't touch my computer for nearly two weeks.  Sure I scribbled a note here and there in my notebook, but nothing really built.  So I focred myself back into writing a couple days ago and had a brainstorming session with someone last night.  Finally have some ideas that I can work with and maybe another fight scene to write.  Yes, those fight scenes are not the easiest for me and well, sorry, but sometimes they are lacking, severely.  I'm much better with plotline and the emotional stuff.  But what's adventure without pushing boundaries?  That's why I like Ghost so much.  It's different that what I normally do.  There's no magic.  It pushes me to think about how reality works, such as with injuries, physics, weaponry, and whatnot.  But more over, as I've probably mentioned before, I've fallen in love with Ghost himself.  He's a character that I want to beat down, to nearly destroy, but I can't help but also want to give him a reward.  Maybe I'll toss him a bone soon?  Not that there's a being a dog joke tossed into the story somewhere.
Now back to Word!  Writing away!

Here's my obligatory end of post entertainment.  The Mean Kitty Song!!