Dethroned - Ch 3, Creating Friction

Creating Friction

     Nathan hated it when I appeared at his apartment, especially unannounced. Well, he did drag me to an 8:30am coffee meeting and didn’t stay more than ten minutes. It had been two days, so, my turn to annoy. I appeared in his kitchen to see Lily sitting at the table holding a cup of tea. She jumped when she saw me. Nope, wasn’t expecting me to shadowstep there. I chuckled. “Michael! I’m sorry; I wasn’t expecting you to show up.”
I waved my hand dismissively. “Didn’t plan on telling you. Where’s Nathan?” She pointed toward the living room. Walking in there, I stopped midstride. That girl from the café was there, on Nathan’s couch. Grinning wide, I looked her over. Cute, very cute, no, she is sexy. Knee-high black boots over tight dark wash jeans that rested below her tight red top with the black leather jacket was gorgeous on her. Her black hair framed her face beautifully and those blue eyes staring at me, those were bluer than the ocean. Looking past her, I saw Nathan glaring at me. Annoyance accomplished. “Heya! Glad to see you too!”
Nathan stood. “Michael, leave.”
“Now, now, is that any way to treat your guest?” I sat on the other side of the couch from the girl and grinned. “As he so kindly said, I’m Michael. May I ask your name?” She glared at me. That has to be a no. Looking back at Nathan, I noticed his glare was burning a hole into me. Something had set him off and he was beyond angry.
The girl was watching me, but kept glancing over at Nathan. “Why should I care about you?”
Not cold at all. “Simple,” I wrapped my arm around her, “I’m the handsome one!” When her glare looked like it could kill, I moved my arm. Hmm, she’s not a hugger, rare girl and one without a sense of humor. Standing, I went back toward the kitchen. “Geez, tough crowd.”

     Lily was welcoming though. With a smile, she held out a cup of tea for me. “Chamomile with honey, it’s nice and relaxing.”
Sitting across from her, I sipped it then stared toward the doorway. “Who’s the girl?”
She sighed, “From what I can guess. She’s a Hunter.”
I tensed. Why would a Hunter be here? Nathan wasn’t a threat to them. Me, maybe. Glaring at Lily probably wasn’t my best idea. “Why is she here?”
She frowned and crossed her arms. “How am I supposed to know? I haven’t seen her before. She’s probably from a different branch.” I didn’t touch my tea after that. Finding out who this girl was interested me. If Lily didn’t know her, then I wasn’t going to be anywhere close to entertaining her. It annoyed me that we knew so little of this Hunter. “What are you thinking Michael?”
I focused on Lily. She was staring at me. My frown was still there and with my head resting on my hands, I was deep in thought. “Just wondering where she came from.” Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath. I could smell Lily’s floral sunshine, Nathan’s cinnamon spice, then this girl, she smelled different but familiar. There was a spicy kick with a pinch of vanilla covered by a winter snow. Parting my eyes slightly, I wondered. Winter snow? I hadn’t smelled that before. Her spice was similar to Nathan’s which meant she had to be a deo, most likely one from his bloodline. However, where did that snow come from? And why was Nathan so hostile toward her?
“Michael? You ok?”
I looked up at Lily and nodded. “Just fine.” Glancing back toward the living room, my mind began to spin. She was a Hunter, but she’s also a deo. Any deo that are so called Hunters were collared, yet she moved freely without consequence. Has she revealed herself as a deo? Or kept it vague by simply saying Hunter? Either way, I do not welcome other deo in this territory. We do not need any more, Nathan and I, and whatever else Cross has locked up, is enough. My acceptance here is conditional; hers is non-existent as far as I know. Her real intentions haven’t been revealed, expected of a deo, so my actions toward her will be focused on forcing her out or eliminating her all together. Pushing my chair back, I left the cup on the table.

     He believed I was a Hunter. Perfect. Nathan couldn’t know who I was yet. When I confronted him at the coffee shop, he acted as if having a Hunter on him was a joke. Did he not care what happened with his life? I followed him from the shop to his apartment. Sitting on the small balcony outside certainly annoyed him. It was a good two-day wait until the blonde girl showed. She had insisted that he allow me in. Since then, we had been sitting on the couch in what seemed like a staring contest. If I had to guess, Nathan was analyzing me. He was trying to understand why I was here, who I was, and why I would hunt him. Chancing a glance at the girl sitting on the other chair, I confirmed she was human. Why would Nathan keep a human around? “Lily, go make yourself some tea.” He didn’t take his gaze off me. The girl sighed and moved into the kitchen. Nathan leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. “I don’t like you, you don’t like me. I haven’t done anything to be on any Hunter’s list. So here’s the deal, you leave.” My eyes narrowed on him. That wasn’t going to happen. Not long after she left, I heard someone else in the kitchen and turned my head slightly. A few moments later, that deo from the café walked in. Wonderful. As if I needed another distraction. He looked at me for a moment and a grin spread across his face. I would guess that he recognized me.
Then he noticed the glare Nathan was giving him. “Heya! Glad to see you too.”
I could feel the anger rolling off Nathan as he stood. “Michael, leave.” That’s this deo’s name? Michael; good name for a good body. Wait, what am I thinking? I was lucky Michael’s attention was on Nathan or he would’ve noticed me shake my head.
“Now, now, is that any way to treat your guest?” He sat on the other side of the couch by me and again he grinned at me. “As he so kindly said, I’m Michael. May I ask your name?” I could only glare. I am sure that if I had tried to speak my voice would’ve shook. Michael looked back at Nathan and frowned slightly.
I glanced at Nathan, then back at Michael. Finally I said something. “Why should I care about you?”
“Simple.” He put his arm around my shoulders. I had to control myself. He definitely had some muscles hidden under the jacket he was wearing. “I’m the handsome one!” He was handsome, but he wasn’t my type. Too cocky and arrogant. I had to hide my fangs, so I glared death, which caused him to move his arm away. Good thing too, I don’t know why I was reacting this way around him, but I felt as if I was going to melt. Standing, he turned back toward the kitchen. “Geez, tough crowd.” Did he really think he was funny?

     Nathan fell back into his seat and pinched his brow together. Guessing him and Michael were at odds somehow. “I’m guessing he’s a friend of yours?”
Nathan sighed. “You could say that.” He then leaned forward. “Why are you here?” Straight to the point; the answer he wanted, he wasn’t ready for.
I stared at him. “I’m here to watch you.” His frown deepened causing me to frown. “I do not need to tell you my reasons.”
That set him off. Nathan was in my face before I even had a chance to blink. His voice was deep, filled with an unspoken rage. “I do not care who you are, I do not care what you are, I do not care if you’re a damn Hunter, because I will promise you one thing, your death will be long, slow, and wonderfully painful.”
Crossing my arms, I tried to remain calm. “You’re not at all threatening. Not even a challenge.” The snarl was all I heard as his hand gripped my throat. Our eyes locked in an intensifying storm.
“Nathan!” The girl was standing in the kitchen doorway. “Back down, now!” Nathan growled at me, showing his fangs as he straightened. Then he stormed past the girl into the kitchen. She looked at me with worry before turning after him. What changed Nathan into this creature? He used to be gentler, kinder, protective. Not this angry, well, demon. This is not the man I knew.

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